Both parents can delegate to a third party the responsibility of picking up the child from the school (such as a grandparent, aunt/uncle, cousin, partner, husband/wife, neighbor).
Delegation to third parties of parental responsibilities concerning day-to-day activities of the children (such as taking or picking the child up from school) can be done verbally or in writing, depending on the relationship between the parents, between the parents and the school, and the child’s age.
It is common practice for schools to request from parents (or the legal guardian, as the school's point of contact) information about individuals who are authorized to drop off or pick up the children, whether regularly or occasionally.
However, there may be situations where written communication is not possible in a timely manner. Therefore, once the parent who contacts the school (whether by phone or another means) is identified, the school should accept verbal information or instructions regarding the delegation of day-to-day responsibilities to third parties who were not previously indicated.
In certain circumstances, it is common for the third party (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, husband, wife, partner) responsible for dropping off and picking up the children from the school to do so regularly, becoming familiar to the school attended by the child.
In such cases, the school will proceed according to usual practices and normal rules. Thus, if one parent wishes to prevent the third party, who regularly drops off or picks up the children from the school, from continuing to do so, they must provide a properly justified objection.